Working standing on the beach

What These 3 Big Thoughts Taught Me About Business

As the end of summer approaches, I’ve been turning over in my mind three big thoughts (you know, along with the usual minutiae): Finding stillness within movement. The difference between being busy and being productive. How we measure success. How…

If you need me, I'll be in the mountains doing yoga.

As my automatic email reply says (from now until Wednesday, August 24th): Hi there! Instead of recharging my phone and my computer this week, I’m unplugging and recharging MY batteries in the Asheville mountains. I’m probably doing yoga next to…

On Diving in Headfirst

I love watching the Olympics! One of my favorite events to watch is diving. This, despite the fact that, as a kid, I remember watching Greg Louganis’s infamous dive when he hit his head on the board during the 1988…
side profile portrait middle aged tensed man working on computer in his office

Need more blog ideas? Break free of the STOP and just START writing.

So, last week I wrote about all the benefits of blogging for businesses: blogging drives traffic to your website; increases credibility with potential and actual clients; and gives you a chance to enhance the story you are telling with your…

Busy-Shaming is the New Sign You’re a Grownup Mean Girl

  If I were ranking feelings, inspiration would be super high on my list. I LOVE feeling inspired. Here are some random bits of stuff that made me feel inspired this week: This Cavalier fan’s story This kopywriter and his…
Hands collaborating

Freelancer: The New New ‘F’ Word?

  Recently, I was considering an offer I received to wade into the world of freelance writing. I can see the value in doing it. As a copy writer who is new to the scene, I am laser-focused on two…
Cup of coffee

Who’s afraid of networking?

  Not me. Not anymore. We established last time that I’m an academic (semi-retired academic, if one can be semi-retired at my age.). So when I was thinking about starting The Pocket PhD, I did what comes most naturally to…

Bloom Where You Land

  In Delton, MI, where I grew up, the dandelions are just going to seed. I know because I recently traveled back home to see my sister graduate from college, celebrate Mother’s Day with my mom, and visit the rest…

I'm scared

  A dear friend once told me a story about when he was in a car accident. He was driving late one rainy night and fell asleep at the wheel just as he was heading through a tunnel on a…