Discover why so many business books suck, so you can write a better one

Write & Rise

Join readers of Write & Rise—the newsletter that speaks the truth about self-publishing (even when it hurts)

The free weekly newsletter by best selling ghostwriter, recovering academic, and professional overthinker, Emily Crookston

For high-achieving experts and business owners who are ready to write a book that sells.

These candid but weirdly encouraging 🤷🏻‍♀️ emails will give you a behind the scenes look at…

  • The biggest mistakes first-time authorpreneurs make and how to avoid them
  • Ways the “thought leadership” space is shifting and how to build a genuine presence as a Big Idea expert
  • What writing, publishing, and promoting a business book—that actually sells—looks like
  • How to avoid writing another forgettable business book and write a book you can’t wait to promote

Are you in?

Write & Rise

Your future readers deserve the best possible version of your book

When you stop overthinking, you’ll start seeing…


  • Fresh ideas flowing
  • Confidence in your own expertise
  • Fun in the writing process


  • “Shoulding” on yourself 
  • White-knuckling through the process
  • Procrastination and avoidance

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